the meaning of our name
There's been many big news in our recent history, maybe one of the most important is the decision to change our own name in July 2012.
This particular decision is grown gradually after a series of events that caused the necessity of a big u-turn.
The final decision has been made in a very special day: on the 5th of July 2012.
A couple of ours before a spectacular astronomic event, Venus transit on the Sun, unique event in our life that will be repeted only on december 2117!
We had no choice: Our name had to be connected to this event.
"Aeneadum genetrix, hominum divomque voluptas, alma Venus"
"Madre degli Eneadi, piacere degli uomini e degli dèi, Venere datrice di vita"
Genetrix is the name used by Lucrezio in "De Rerum Natura" poem to refer to Venus. Genetrix is the mother, the generator of life. We liked the idea to keep together great latin classics to modern softwares, ancient knowledge inspiring technology.