19 February 2013
Events on 055Firenze.it
New fioncionality on 055firenze.it to show events in Florence and roundings.
Maps, calendar export and much more to be updated in real time.
19 February 2013
New fioncionality on 055firenze.it to show events in Florence and roundings.
Maps, calendar export and much more to be updated in real time.
19 February 2013
meoniciampalini.it is growing thanks to Genetrix technology and becomes international.
Russian translation is online... хорошая работа!
11 February 2013
You can reach the new website based on Genetrix Cms at the url:
04 February 2013
In the ministerial project "Bussola della Trasparenza" for public administrations website, the Azienda Usl 11 di Empoli's is the best websitein Tuscany and the 6th in Italy. A great result for Genetrix who developed all the tecnologies behind the portal. Info: La notizia su Gonews - La pagina dedicata sul sito del progetto
17 January 2013
First training courses for Avis Toscana and Avis's Raindrop version: dat@vis
Many adhesions and big enthusiasm for the new web data manager for blood donors!
14 December 2012
055firenze has been ported to the new cloud platform CSM Genetrix. An underground update that doesn't affect the graphical aspect but increase dramatically the engin power and functionalitites.
19 November 2012
Great interest and participation in Raindrop presentation at Avis Tuscany conference in Siena on November. Our web application is in test phase, the start for all the sections is scheduled to coincide with the new year.
12 October 2012
gonews.it is in the final in the Online local newspaper festival (QOLL) for the category Popula Jury Prize.
Our compliments goes to all the redaction for their geat work.
21 September 2012
Genetrix started a partnership with graphic design studio Zumedia to encrease the quality of all our web services.
03 August 2012
Genetrix new website is online and will grow with news and informations of all our products.
31 July 2012
New name, new logo and new head office, from the Ceamservice experience comes Genetrix.
Our developer team earns a new professional.
Frederic Buoni is the new Genetrix Partner after a long and profitable cooperation.
03 April 2012
After Fratres, another important italian blood donor association starts a project with Genetrix and will use our online application for the volunteers management and communications.
Request us a demo to discover all our services!
We will be happy to show you how to help you!